Protecting our clients and community
MyTurn Rehabilitiation’s priority is the health and wellbeing of
our clinicians and the clients we see. At present, we are closely
monitoring advice from the Australian Government, the
Australian Physiotherapy Association and the World Health
Organisation to guide practice.
We have a robust infection-control policy and business-
continuity plan in place to direct us in these uncertain times.

MyTurn Rehabilitation is taking the following steps
Minimising the risk of infection to clinicians, clients and the wider community:
- All clinicians adhere to the Australian Government’s directive on self-isolation, quarantine periods and Covid-19 testing
- All clinicians continue to offer face-to-face consultations where the risk assessment proves this to be appropriate in accordance with the Australian Government directive
- MyTurn Rehabilitation clinicians will complete a Risk Assessment prior to and on the day of each community visit. This includes an assessment of the client’s health and willingness to receive intervention. This risk assessment extends to any third parties involved in sessions (families and support workers)
- Stringent infection control procedures are in place at all times, including the availability of comprehensive PPE for clinicians
- All clinicians will adhere to additional infection control measures outlined by individual residential facilities
- All clinicians adhere to infection control and risk measures outlined by Queensland Health and the Australian Government’s Department of Health
- Clinicians will encourage participants to complete physiotherapy sessions via telehealth means where face-to-face contact is not appropriate
- MyTurn Rehabilitation reserves the right to cease any intervention if assessed as high risk and will seek to make alternative plans with the relevant client and stakeholders.