
Do you have something to say about our service?

MyTurn Rehabilitation values feedback about our service from our clients and other members of the public who have suggestions about how we can improve our service and increase our client’s satisfaction.

If you have any advice or suggestions, or if you wish to make a complaint there are a number of options available to you.

MyTurn Rehabilitation has a complaints management policy and will always act on such information with discretion and with respect of the confidentiality of all parties involved.

MyTurn Rehabilitation also has an incident management policy that commits to investigate, document and communicate with affected parties, any incidents that occur in the delivery of physiotherapy or exercise physiology to clients and participants.

If you have concerns about your treatment you are encouraged to raise the issue with your treating clinician. You will find that our providers and staff are always open to suggestions and will always endeavour to provide you with most satisfactory solution to problems that may arise.

In such cases where you do not feel comfortable to discuss an issue with a treating clinician you are encouraged to seek to speak with one of the MyTurn Rehabilitation Management staff or senior staff. Our staff will make time available to discuss the issues with you and will attempt to provide a timely resolution to any problems that may occur. In accordance with our Complaints Management and Incident Managment Policies, all such communications are treated as confidential and with sensitivity. We will keep you informed of our investigations throughout the process.

You may also provide feedback using the form below.  This can be done anonymously if this is your preference.

Complaints may also be made through more formal reporting schemes such as Australian Health Practitioner Regulatory Authority (AHPRA), or through various government schemes that your treatment may be funded through, eg NDIS, DVA, Workcover.

MyTurn Rehabilitation is a registered NDIS provider and our complaints management and incident management processes are compliant with the NDIS Standards. If you are a Participant in the National Disability Insurance Scheme you may contact the Commissioner to raise any issue relating to services provided to you by MyTurn Rehabilitation.  MyTurn Rehabilitation commits to notifying the NDIS Commission of Reportable Incidents within 24 hours of the incident occurring.

  • Phoning: 1800 035 544 (free call from landlines) or TTY 133 677. Interpreters can be arranged.
  • National Relay Service and ask for 1800 035 544.
  • Completing a complaint contact form on the NDIS quality and safeguard commission website at

Provide feedback to MyTurn Rehabilitation

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